Silvia Daniels Memorial Library
Leia Pollard
Tribal Librarian

The mission of the Blue Lake Rancheria Sylvia L. Daniels Memorial Library is to provide quality materials and services, which fulfill educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming and respectful.

The library is currently closed for renovation, but the Homework Club still meets weekly. Please contact the Tribal Librarian if you have any questions -
The Librarian is available on:
- Mondays: 2:00pm-4:30pm
- Fridays: 3:15-4:30
Tutoring (By Appointment):
- Mondays: 2:00pm-4:30pm

Library Cards
A Library card issued by the Blue Lake Rancheria is required to check out books and other media. Library members also have FREE access to the Libby app. Libby is a digital library where you can listen to audio books and read e-books on your device. Please fill out the application below to apply for a library card. Once approved, the Librarian will contact you for further instruction.
Library Card Application
Title Suggestions
Have a book recommendation? Let our Tribal Librarian know!